Sunday 18 August 2024

Altdorf to Chur

It was going to be a long day because the weather forecast for the following three days was for rain.  Not wanting to cross a mountain pass in those conditions (remember Taiwan 3 years ago!) it had to be done today or wait several days.  I opted to go!

Upon reaching the summit of Oberallp Pass I stopped and took several photos, including the obligatory one of the lighthouse. Obviously the summit is a popular location on a fine day.



Initially the descent is a serious of hairpin switchbacks as altitude is rapidly lost.  With a heavily laden bike I was going very slowly to ensure I maintained control.   The racing bikers rocketed past.


On the southern hills I could see the start of the River Rhine cascading down.  I had intended to walk to Lake Toma which is the source but the lack of time precluded it.



The Eurovelo 15 route wandered across the valley floor and sometimes back into the foothills which I occasionally found to be steep and unsealed.

By the time I reached Chur I was exhausted and sore.  There was a small shop in the camping ground but no hot food was available.  I was too tired to go exploring and for food dropped my tin of chilli con carne into my Jetboil with some water and heated it


I was in bed by 7pm.






Paul (from Waterway Routes) said...

The link marked "photos" near the beginning goes to a password protected Google Drive location

Tom and Jan said...

Hi Paul,

I didn't add a link. I think Google did it when I wrote the word 'photos'. I'll see if i can remove the link.

Jenny said...

That was a tough day for you. Did you find out the reason for the lighthouse situated at the top of the pass?