Monday 5 August 2024

Day 8 - Saarbrucken

It's now Day 8 and I am well behind with the Blog update..

I left Bastogne after one night and headed towards Luxembourg.  Three things went horribly wrong.  There was some light rain and I stopped to put on my rain jacket only to find it wasn't there.  After yesterday's rain stopped I had wrapped it up and placed it securely in the bungie cord holder on the pannier bag.  Despite checking several times it had obviously fall off.  Now I had no rain jacket.

I kept on pedalling eventually travelling 25km which would make me a quarter of the way to Luxembourg.  Except when I checked my phone my location seemed wrong. That's when I realised I had missed a sign and had been cycling in exactly the wrong direction.  It was at this point the heavens really opened and I got drenched.  Soaked and shivering I found a shelter where I could review my options.


I could backtrack the 25km and then attempt the 100km journey to Luxembourg.  Was there enough energy left in the battery?  I could attempt a shortcut using Google Maps.  The last option was to return to Bastogne and make another attempt tomorrow.

I decided to head to Luxembourg using Google Maps.  Should have known better!!!


Google led me down a farm track at the bottom of a steep hill that just got worse.

Eventually I decided to return to Bastogne and dry out that night. I even found a shop that could sell me a rain jacket.

The following day; all dried out; I headed to Luxembourg.  Up and down steep hills!

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The above photos were taken during the brief periods when it wasn't raining.

Part of today's ride was along an old railway alignment.  Some of it was sealed and in good condition.  There was even an old tunnel.


It was only a brief stop at Luxembourg as I've previously visited the city.


My destination for the day was a camping ground 5km SE of the city.

I decided to make Saturday a rest day and would use it to find an outlet that sold gas canisters for my Jetboil stove and a replacement travel adapter for the one that had fired the previous day in Bastogne.  fortunately that happened after I had recharged the bike battery.

Having successfully found the gas canisters and a replacement adapter I was able to recharge the bike battery and attempt to cook my first meal.  The latter wasn't a success.  The canister contains Butane and I think the stove needs Propane.  The former burns more fiercely and started to melt the insulation on the stove.  It also burned the food in the Jetboil.

Of course it rained.

Day 8.    Do I stay in Luxembourg and wait out the rain or cycle on to Saarbrucken.  I was very tired and decided to stay.  Then changed my mind!  If you're going to get wet then get on with it.

The Eurovelo 5 Route took me up and down some steep hills.  In the valley below I could see smooth and level roads.  I asked myself "Why are you cycling up these steep hills in the rain?" 

At the 50km point the hills were done (I hope) and I found myself cycling the towpath beside the River Saar.  A large river with a surprising amount of traffic on a Sunday.  No photos as it was raining.

Eventually I reached Saarbrucken (in the rain) and went looking for something it eat.  The shops were closed (apparently that's normal for a Sunday)  Eventually I found a Pizza restaurant and downed a large pizza and two large beers.

All this cycling is having an adverse effect on my "love handles"

Tomorrow's weather forecast is for dry weather and the route continues beside the river.  Should be easier going. 

Today I left Luxembourg, passed through France and am now in Germany.  By tomorrow night I should be back in France.

I haven't proof read this post… I'm too tired!!!!


Jenny said...

What a time you are having in the rain, and trouble cooking your meal too. I do hope things get easier for you.

Tom and Jan said...

All part of the adventure Jenny