Saturday 20 June 2020


Australia has been subject to a massive sophisticated state-based cyber attack across a range of sectors.  Fortunately the National Broadband Network (NBN) was already overwhelmed by 17 people watching Netflix at the same time, so no data was able to be downloaded.

Conversation overheard whilst social distancing.

Man One.  “I had a pie sandwich yesterday”

Man Two.  “Never heard of that”

Man One.  “It’s a meat pie between two slices of bread”

Man Two.  “That’s a Wigan Kebab!”

Puffing Bill

That was me today digging the trench from the house to the workshop.  It’s times like this I’m reminded that I’m knocking on 70 this year.  Many short rests were required during the task.  Where are my sons and grandsons?


Whilst being sand makes for easy digging, it also means the task must be completed quickly, otherwise the sides of the trench collapse.  The trench is required to be a minimum of 600mm deep, but as usual for me I’ve over engineered the task digging to 700mm.  Tomorrow I might find the energy to start on the backfilling.

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