Friday 26 June 2020


It’s rather obvious a percentage of the population doesn’t have the stamina for self-isolation or social distancing.  The TV News this morning had an article regarding a packed beach on England’s south coast.  I assume some of them thought if it was OK to ignore social distancing and attend a BLM protest, then it was OK to go to the packed beach on a hot day.  There has been a second COVID-19 curve in Melbourne with some of the affected having attended the recent BLM protest.  The TV news also showed males kissing cheeks and hugging each other at the end of Ramadan celebrations.


Until three days ago the West Australian premier was taking heat over his insistence on maintaining closed borders and quarantining all arrivals in government controlled (and paid for) hotels.  The outbreak in Melbourne now has some of the other state premiers talking of doing a backflip.  I was somewhat astonished to hear on the midday news that some of the people who have returned from overseas into compulsory 14 day quarantine have refused to be tested for COVID-19.  I suppose they have a right to refuse.  However the general population also has a right to not be infected and if I was in charge I’d acknowledge the right to refuse testing and send them straight back to where they came from.  I’m almost certain testing suddenly wouldn’t be an issue!  I’m a grumpy old git!  Smile


Veggi said...

Yes, we live on the south coast, we’re not beach goers but it was bloody mad, Bournemouth council issued over 900 fixed penalty parking tickets yesterday.

Tom and Jan said...

Why do Lemmings spring to mind!!

Don said...

The current solution in New Zealand for those that refuse a test at day 14 is to keep them in another 14 days.

Davidss said...

I take a slightly contrary view. We are told the NHS has spare capacity, for instance the Nightingale hospitals were hardly used at all, so they can handle a spike in CV cases.
The Government management have failed completely and utterly to have mass testing available, so how can they test the current ability of the virus to spread?
Simple, they unlock the doors on the cages of the lab-rats, letting the occupants walk through if they want to.
The Government Home Front PR says 'mix, but be sensible, observe social distancing, wear masks', while knowing from previous experience this will not be observed.
Some of us don't observe the advice by staying at home, others don't observe by mixing freely without precautions.
I think these people are taking risks, and perhaps making sacrifices, for the benefit of the rest of us, they should be applauded. We shall be able to see to what extent the virus is still viable and active, while the Government will be able to maintain the moral high ground.
The Government win again by these people self selecting for Darwin awards, do we really want these people pulling down the standards of the UK human gene pool? They are low hanging fruit, ready to be culled.
Another not so obvious benefit is the reduction in pensions payable in the future. The Government have already had one take there, shifting possibly infected hospital patients (remember, no testing) into closed communities (care homes) where the expected standard of care is lower, and less able to cope with CV patients.
Overall, I'm happy the Bournemouth thousands have choosen to go into the front line while I stay at home. They should be praised, not criticised.


Pip and Mick said...


I think Dominic Cummings is to blame for the "We can do whatever we want" attitude. There's been plenty of non social distancing going on in loads of places (including towpaths!) since that affair. I don't think the blame can be laid at the BLM movement's door.


Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

In NZ, Tom, if people refuse their 12 day test, they can be kept in isolation a further 14 days.

What I have been surprised to read is that some returning NZers have been unaware of the requirement for managed isolation and/or quarantine and have been a little grumpy (deliberate understatement on my part) at being constrained. It really surprised me that they obviously hadn't kept up with the news from NZ while awaiting their exit home. I was also surprised that the airlines bringing them hadn't informed them prior to boarding.

David and I found Lockdown so easy - I am obviously a blobber of some skill!

Cheers, Marilyn

Mike Griffin said...

Yes, GB is a crazy country, but it's worth noting all the 'brave' people who cram onto beaches or other situations are generally under 50 and really don't give a 'monkeys' about the pandemic.

My wife and I have self isolated since the start of the problem, family respect this and all our needs are delivered.

Not difficult for me as I broke my leg in early Feb and had a month in hospital, and saw some pandemic treatment training going on I self discharged just before 'clampdown'. A friend went into the same hospital about a week after I left, caught the virus and died.

I ain't rushing out anywhere, mainly because I am on crutches, but also because aged 72. I want to live a lot longer.

Still the thicko's on the beach in the sunshine will probably all get melanoma problems, as the are not bright enough to use sun tan lotion.

Have fun.