Saturday 6 May 2023

More Jobs

Currently there is one outstanding modification to be completed on the camper trailer.  The shower tent needs to be connected to the new rooftop tent.  The old configuration had the top of the tent too low which means I need to develop some system for raising the height of the tent when in use.  Having it permanently at the "right" height would mean the trailer wouldn't fit through the garage. 

I also decided to take some weight out of the original mounting plates and spent several hours with a metal cutting blade in the jigsaw removing excess steel and aluminium


The rear hydraulic brake on ebike felt rather "spongy" during my last ride and I decided to see if I there was air in the system which I could hopefully remove by bleeding the system from the brake handle.  It worked!


The other task which has been taking some time is the sharpening of all the HSS drill bits.  I've acquired quite a number over the years buying replacements as they became blunt.  Many of them are imperial which confirms just how long I've been collecting. 

I bought a very cheap sharpening machine eventually working out how to use it following the unclear included instructions


Still to be sharpened


Sharpened and sized.


Several days ago Jan asked how many folding chairs I had for the planned long outback trip where I'll be accompanied by our eldest grandson. "One Chair.   Grandson is young enough to stand or sit on a termite mound!"  Jan insisted I buy a second folding chair.  I hope I got his size right!


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