Monday 9 October 2023

Keelung to Sanzhi

Given the low hotel room rate it was unsurprising no breakfast was provided.  You might recall I'd also skipped dinner and the worms were biting.  I had managed to book the last available room I could find on the north coast.  The Museum B&B in Sanzhi.  The distance would be under 50km and as I was leaving Keelung at 9AM and check-in was 3PM I had plenty of time to stop and gain an appreciation of the coastline.

Cycling 2nd day

A last look at Keelung Harbour.  I suspect it's the major port on the NE coast.


The was a reasonable hill to ride over before reaching the coastal road.  At the top of the hill was a 7Eleven where I stopped to treat myself to a sandwich for breakfast (and dinner last night)..


A roughed coastline with numerous small fishing harbours


I dawdled along with plenty of time to spare


Temple high on a hill behind me


This is actually a house rather than a temple!



Furthest point north on mainland Taiwan.  Just like the southern most point…. Radar domes.


Then things started to get slightly messy!  The phone died.  It took me several minutes to verify that the problem was a flat battery rather than the phone being a brick.  I had it plugged into the usb charging port on the ebike display.  Obviously the display usb port can't produce sufficient power to recharge the phone when its using the GPS.  However I had a backup plan.  I have bought a power bank with me and could plug the phone into that.  Then I discovered the power bank was also flat.  This puzzled me as I had fully charged it yesterday.

The phone is essential.  Not only is it used for navigation, but is also used to make my accommodation bookings.  I was now riding blind.  I needed to find a power source to recharge the phone.  Five kilometres later I noticed a large 7Eleven outlet.  Looking through the window I could see tables and chairs and what looked like power outlets in the table tops.

Another sandwich and a small pot of yoghurt (lunch) whilst I waited for the phone to recharge. 

The weather was blustery and overcast, it was also warm.  Plenty of people enjoying the scenery.


I reached my B&B at 3:30PM and was greeted by the owner, Yong.  He spoke reasonable English and mentioned he had visited Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

The B&B is in a slightly isolated position.  However I did note on Google Maps there was a restaurant just down the road. 

It rained between 5-6 delaying my planned meal.  On reaching the restaurant I discovered it was closed (National Day?).  The next option was to walk several kilometres downhill to the town and find somewhere.  However it started to rain.  On returning to my room I looked at a lonely small chocolate bar and realised what I was having for dinner.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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