Sunday 10 May 2020

Spoons Breakfast

Last night Jan said “Let’s have a Spoons Breakfast tomorrow!”
Probably not the best for the veins and arteries, but it was tasty and did bring back memories of those Wetherspoons Big Breakfasts we used to occasionally have for lunch as our main meal of the day when boating.
My back problem has been delaying the latest projects and two days ago we paid the price when a major storm passed through knocking down the corrugated cement boundary fence beside the garage.  It was already ‘wobbly’ and I had planned to secure it to the new lean to framing.  Alas I didn’t erect the framing in time!
Now I have an additional task of removing the old fencing and installing new sheets.
Jan’s garden shade house is progressing.  All the framing has been erected and tomorrow I’ll make a start on fitting the shade cloth.
We had a visit from local blog reader Ken and his lovely wife, Elaine.  Both pointed out the Mulberry tree in the front garden was in the wrong place.  Apparently it will grow too big and the roots will undermine the house foundations.  Jan has already picked out a new location away from the house.  Another task added to the already long list!
On a more positive note, I’ve been able to keep the vehicle battery going with a regime of regularly placing it on the CTek charger.  I should have disabled the engine management system ‘smart charger’ 12 months ago.  All the short journeys has killed the battery. 
Small 5 amp Ctek charger
We are going to require a new battery.  I have my eye on one that has twice the capacity of the original and am waiting for it to go on sale.   
The social distancing restrictions are starting to be eased.  Travel restrictions within the State have been lifted; but not inter-state travel where a 14 day quarantine still applies.   I think this is the 9th consecutive day of no new COVID19 cases with the State.  Hospital cases are down to low single figures.  The State Premier is (IMHO) taking things very slowly in an effort to avoid a ‘second wave’. 

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