Wednesday 6 May 2020

Status Report

We as a nation, state and couple of old crocks appear to be managing the current crisis quite well.

In Western Australia it’s the sixth consecutive day of no new identified COVID-19 cases.   There are 13 existing cases of which three are in ICU.  The state borders remain closed along with the regional borders within the state.  People entering the state are required to go into state managed quarantine centres for 14 days.  Parents have been given the option of allowing their children to return to school.  Restrictions are gradually being eased.  Until yesterday, we have only left the property four times since February.  All of them to go food shopping.  I have developed a successful strategy for social distancing in supermarkets.  A couple of loud sneezes on my part is quite effective! Smile

Yesterday I was finally able to get an appointment to see my GP about the problems with my back and right ear.  I entered the surgery with two problems and left with three.  The good news was my back problem is muscular rather than something serious, like a collapsed disc.  The advice was to keep moving rather than lying on my back and being attended to by the maid wife.  I have a slight inflammation in my right ear and have been prescribed drops.  During the consultation the doctor said “You need your annual flu shot!”   I’ve only ever had one previous flu shot and that was when I was 16.  It promptly gave me all the symptoms and suffering of the flu.  Yesterday the doctor appealed to my social responsibility and the need for herd immunisation.  I wilted and agreed!  Consequentially I left the surgery with a sore right arm.  The next couple of days will tell if it was a good decision.

Meanwhile, I’ve managed to complete the installation of the framing for the shelter beside the garage.  The final part is the fitting of the roofing.  It’s unlikely to happen today as we had a storm last night and it’s raining today.  

I mentioned to Jan that I might complete the construction of the shade house next and was emphatically  informed the next project was completion of the bathroom.  Apparently having a hole filled with sand in the middle of the bathroom for months is unacceptable.  Concrete must be poured!

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