Monday 11 May 2020


Another one completed…..
The shade house for Jan’s veg garden has been completed.  She was right….. It was a dead space which is now utilized.  If you have read the last couple of posts you will remember the Mulberry bush was obscuring the view of the planned shade house.  Obviously it has gone!
And is now up on the front lawn.  Jan chose the location and I dug the hole… striking two water reticulation pipes in the process <grrrrrr>!   Hopefully the bush will survive the relocation. 
We saw Boris on the TV news this morning calling for more ‘lerts’ in England.  The phrase appears to be “Be A Lert”.  Apparently it’s a change from “Stay at Home”.    West Australian statistics as of today are total of 9 deaths,  4 currently in hospital of which, 1 is in ICU.  No new cases for the last 9 days.  Currently 7 active cases.


Pip and Mick said...

We are already Lerts. Now we need to "Stay A Lert".
Presumably this means we have to look out for the virus on various surfaces, clothing, other people etc. and if we see it KILL IT!


Tom and Jan said...

I'm pleased you're both Lerts...... The world needs more Lerts. On a more serious note. I struggle to understand the UK policy of only placing arrivals in quarantine effective the end of May. It's people from outside the UK who bought it into the country and allowing uncontrolled arrivals isn't going to assist with the supression.

Pip and Mick said...

It's not the only mad decision made by the UK Government! Interesting that Scotland, Wales and N Ireland leaders have chosen to keep with the "Stay at home" message.